Friday, September 11, 2009

Just Another Week

So two days ago I was going to mine and my fiance's dance lesson, and when I got out of the card my external hard drive fell out of my car onto the cement. There wasn't any real physical damage to it, outside of a corner being scrapped, but it wasn't working. I took it to Staples and they said to "just trying tapping in on the counter when I got home" - which I did, and it didn't work. Then I took it to the geek squad who ran a bunch of tests on it and said that it "didn't look good" and it had to be sent out to data recovery which could cost upwards of $2000 to fix. Generally, it would be around $1300. I can't believe that people can charge that much because people really want there data. Ridiculous.

That being said, with my wedding in three weeks I clearly don't have $1300 just lying around, but I had it sent off anyways because I had seven years of photographs, all of my music, every school project I ever did and saved to file, and all my resumes on it. It's such a loss!!! I hope that it'll run closer to $700 to fix. :(

Then I went to dance class that night and she told me that I had bad posture, which I've been trying to fix but it's actually really uncomfortable for me to walk the way she stated that I should. Hopefully my shoulders will start loosening up soon because I'm not sure I can keep this up for much longer! Our dance lesson went well though and I'm excited to try again next week to see what the finished product will look like!

Let's see, what else.... I haven't lost any weight since I last blogged, but I'm getting serious now because I really have no excuse since the wedding is getting so close. Outside of that, I'm mentally exhausted. Let me just say that I never want to get married again!!!!!


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